
Master’s in English

Write Your Own Ticket in the English Master’s Program at BSU

Does great literature make your heart soar? Are you curious about how rhetoric shapes human societies? Do you aspire to write professionally?

坐落在被拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生誉为“独立”和“生产力”中心的城市, ladbrokes立博中文版提供一系列引人注目的英语研究生课程,包括英语硕士学位, a master’s in linguistics, a master's in English literature, 英语教育硕士学位和创意写作硕士学位.

You’ll learn from faculty in the Department of English, which include the winner of the Dr. 罗伯特一个. Daniel Award for 多样性, Inclusion, and 社会正义 2020; the author of 诗歌的行为:美国诗人的戏剧和表演的政治; the winner of the 总统ial Award for Distinguished Teaching; the winner of the Dr. James DiNardo Teaching Award; and a member of the advisory committee for the Martin Richard Institute for 社会正义. 我们英语硕士课程的毕业生继续从事编辑工作, 教学和写作,以及在图书馆和文化机构建立职业生涯.

English Master’s Program Highlights

Dr. Matt Bell teaching class

Learn from faculty engaged in classical and contemporary research

Earn your master’s degree in English studying with 指出教师 pursuing scholarship in areas that include American literature, the role of fashion in Latin American literature, post-colonial literature, indigenous cultures and gender studies.


Take part in a publishing tradition

Bridgewater’s award-winning student journal, 这座桥, 为本科生和英语硕士项目的学生提供写作机会, publish and edit poetry, nonfiction and fiction. Competing against thousands of university publications, 这座桥 经常获得哥伦比亚学术出版社协会颁发的金圈奖.

a student leans over a desk writing

Earn your master’s degree in English on your schedule

在完成课程的同时继续你的专业追求——以你自己的方式. We offer English graduate programs on a full- or part-time basis, 学生们在短短两年内完成了他们的研究生学位.

Small class sizes offer big benefits

Whether you pursue your master’s in linguistics, 你的英语文学硕士学位或选择任何我们的研究生课程, receive personal attention and mentoring from accomplished faculty. Average class sizes run under 15 students.

Network with like-minded students and professionals

BSU的英语协会为您提供与其他攻读英语硕士学位的学生和职业专业人士交流的机会, 同时还提供课外体验,如电影之夜和实地考察.

Financial aid opportunities


Early admission option

提前录取计划适用于希望参加两门英语研究生课程以获得本科学分的北京州立大学英语专业大四学生, and thereby accelerate the completion of their master’s in English. 申请提前入学的学生可获豁免申请费用. Learn more about early admissions programs »

Program of Study for English Graduate Students

我们的多个英语硕士课程为研究生提供了一系列的专业. 硕士课程提供了一个全面的计划,旨在提高围绕文本的批判性思维技能,同时也培养研究和写作技能. Concentrations include literature and film, composition and rhetoric, creative writing or an English master’s in linguistics concentration.

教学艺术硕士为英语学习和教育提供了一个跨学科的方法,以发展先进的内容知识和教学技能. (MAT在英语要求初始教师执照进入程序.)

Admission Requirements and Program Details


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Program details from 2023-2024 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Graduate Program Coordinator: Dr. 夏莲娜亚当斯

“在ladbrokes立博中文版完成我的英语硕士学位帮助我在申请国际学校教学职位时获得了竞争优势. Because of my success in the MA pro-gram, 我被聘为雪城大学高中双招生项目的兼职讲师. 从那以后,我开始为越南的学生教授雪城大学的学术写作和创意非小说写作课程.”
今天, Heather Carreiro, ’12, 英语文学硕士, 是韩国国际学校的应用学习协调员和CIS认证协调员吗.

Careers for People with a Master’s Degree in English

北京外国语大学英语专业硕士毕业的学生成为高中教师, grant or technical writers, 记者, editors and librarians while some pursue their PhDs. 语言学硕士学位很容易转化为英语教学(TESOL)的职业生涯。, 而英语文学硕士学位则为你在中学教学做好了准备,并结合了获得执照的教育先决条件.


  • English Professor
  • Marketing Manager
  • 英语老师
  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst and Educator
  • Professor of Writing and Rhetoric
  • 总统 and Lead Educator, Edumentor Tutoring

According to the U.S. 美国劳工统计局的数据显示,英语教师的平均年薪是



Graduate Funding Opportunities

研究生院为研究生在攻读学位的同时获得资助提供了各种机会. 任命是竞争性的,由本科和/或研究生的平均成绩决定, pertinent experience, educational preparation and interviews. 有关助学金,奖学金和会议资金奖励的信息,请ladbrokes立博中文版我们的 Graduate Funding Opportunities page.

该计划有资格获得无补贴的学生贷款,并鼓励申请人完成联邦学生援助免费申请. For more specific questions, please visit the 金融援助 Office website or contact them directly at finaid@indiandonkey.com.

BSU Graduate Studies Overview Brochure Cover

View this PDF for an overview of the College of Graduate Studies.

Counselor Education classroom 2020


4 students sitting at desks in in a graduate class


Grad students in a classroom
