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Beyond the Classroom


BSU Anthropology students have served internships at public agencies and other institutions in Boston, 陶顿, 布罗克顿, 福尔河, 新贝德福德, Cape Cod and Washington, D.C. among other areas. 的se include Cultural Survival, the Coalition for 社会正义, 的 Robbins Museum of Archaeology 和其他人. Applied anthropology internship opportunities are also available at many social agencies and organizational settings in the region. 实习 provide exceptional hands-on training for professional work.

Learn more about Bridgewater’s internship program

Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate research generally begins in the classroom, where students may collaborate with their professors in exploring research interests and planning a research project. Our faculty members have active research agendas and welcome students into their work. 的 biological and archaeological laboratory on campus has a growing forensic skeletal collection, access to fossil casts and samples of stone tools. 的 department also offers a summer archaeological field school in Massachusetts and an ethnographic field school experience in Trinidad and Tobago. In addition, students may perform research as part of an honors project. 4月, faculty-nominated students have the opportunity to present their research to faculty, peers and invited guests in our annual Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Learn more about undergraduate research 在布里奇沃特. 


Anthropology students have the opportunity to participate in international study tours and are strongly encouraged to take advantage of semester abroad programs. BSU Anthropology faculty members take students to study tours in Trinidad and Tobago, 牙买加, 伯利兹, 约旦和古巴. Anthropology students have also participated in interdepartmental travel or semester abroad to Cambodia, 中国, 坦桑尼亚, 以色列, 日本, 尼加拉瓜, 佛得角, 肯尼亚, 韩国, South Africa and the Pine Ridge Lakota Reservation.

的 Bridgewater State University International Programs Office offers information about BSU study tours and 出国留学 opportunities.

Learn more about 出国留学 在布里奇沃特. 

Anthropology Club

的 student-run club strives to provide students with a holistic view of the world in a cultural context through a range of fun activities. Students gain a greater understanding of anthropology as a discipline and build contacts with students and faculty at other campuses, including participation in regional conferences that can help them throughout their career. 的 club is also dedicated to exposing the entire Bridgewater campus to the vast array of anthropological issues that are relevant to everyday life, inspiring the community to form new ways of thinking about the world.

Publishing Opportunity

Journal of International Women’s Studies 是在线的, 开放获取, peer-reviewed feminist journal that provides a forum for scholars, 积极分子, and students to explore the relationships among theories of gender and sexuality and various forms of organizing and critical practice. Dr. Diana Fox is founder and editor of the publication.